Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Want Wedding Gifts, Then You Better Register!

Hey Guys,

After being reminded over and over by my bridesmaids (thanks girls!) we finally finished our wedding registry. I know that this probably should have been super exciting, but for some reason it was a rather tedious task for us. Reason being we already have a lot of household items needed in every room. However, after some exploring we found some needed items and registered at the fav Target!

We also registered at another site called A Great Affair.Com Gift Registry. I definitely recommend that any engaged couple register here because it is essentially a cash registry. With this registry guests can give away how ever much they choose to different categories. For instance, we have a category called "New Wheels." Both Jon and I will probably need to get new cars soon (hopefully not!), so if guests want to contribute to that fund then they can with an amount of their choosing. We like this because it doesn't put pressure on our guests to spend a certain amount and it is definitely something that will be used and not packed up on a closet shelf.

Some last points:
  • Remember that you can get what you want, but also remember to be considerate to your guests and give them choices.

  • Guests, you know who you are, don't show up to a wedding without a present.

  • If you don't feel comfortable purchasing anything on a registry, give money, that's the safest bet.

  • When doing your registry research into the various ones out there because there's a lot and you can find one that suits you as a couple.
Next time we will discuss the Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner!

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Token to Remember Us By!

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the lag in posting! I have been a busy wedding bee lately so this will be a short posting. After wracking my brain on what to give our guests, I finally decided on something of significance. I think that's important and a good way to create that special touch.

When picking a wedding favor there's more to think of than you would expect. For instance I've been to weddings where donations were made to an organization of importance to the couple. Not only was this endearing, but it also created awareness among the guests. It honestly depends on what you as a couple what to portray.

Another tip is to make sure to purchase your favors close to your wedding so that you don't order too much or too little. Remember every little bit adds up!

Some cute ideas for wedding favors are: for those couples that love to read, bookmarks; the gaming couple can give a deck of cards; or if you want to be friendly to mother nature give away personalized plant seeds.

Next time we will explore the Wedding Registry!